Hello one and all...
Hope all things are progressing fine over at your end... On my side, the buzz has just begun and IM EXCITED!!! :D
with the WORLD CUP!!! + 33 pts (1 for each day!!) - 1 pt for the czech to the ghana-ians... :(
with my summer sch which = to interesting students from YALE Uni!! :D + 19pts (1 for each of my classmates)
with my HALL's rag and flag prep = + 80 pts (1 for each day)
with LIFE CONFERENCE = priceless...
(i actually wanted to say pointless... but someone would quickly say that it's OUT OF POINT... :P)
Anyway yes... This is a reminder to all once again that the LIFE conference is upon us and it is indeed priceless (not pointless!) becos it will refresh and empower us, refine and enliven us! I personally believe that it will be a turning point and defining moment for not just the church, but for EVERY INDIVIDUAL whom goes for it...
So for those who have signed up for the day conference, pls take note of some pointers...
1. Life Conference kicks off with a revival meeting next Wed, 21 June, 7.30pm. The nightly revivial meetings (Wed-Fri nights) are open to the public.
2. The Day Conference begins on 22 June (9am-6pm). Registration will begin at 8 am. Do come early to register and collect your conference materials in view of the number of participants and the high volume of traffic in and out of our premises. All sessions will be starting on time, so don’t miss out! 3. Transport & Parking - BEN TAKE NOTE!!!
- You are encouraged to car pool with your friends/cell members.
- Once the carpark is full, cars will be redirected to park at Arcadia Road. The Traffic Police has reminded all Trinitarians to park considerately and adhere to traffic rules*. Ferry service will be provided.
* Please do not park at Adam Park, Chee Hoon Avenue or Adam Road Hospital. When you park at Arcadia Road, note that there should be no parking at bends, at entrance or exits of premises, within 3 metres of fire hydrant and 6 metres of road junctions.
4. You are on your own for lunch for both days. Ample time will be given for all to proceed to nearby eateries.
5. All SPs are to be prepared to serve at the altar especially during the night revival meetings. Thus do dress appropriately for the conference.
For those who can only make it for the NIGHT meetings, I will most likely be goin for at least wed and fri and if possible thurs as well... I am wondering if it's ok for you guys if we meet for DINNER at Adam at 630pm and then head over to church by 7pm... PLS SMS me to confirm that k? For those who are working and are keen to join us for the night revival meetings, PLS sms me early so that i can book seats for you in the auditorium... ya? :)
That's all from me for now... I'll see you all in a while... :D
Ivan - Destiny Defined